Why 5 Needles? Who are We?

Discover the transformative power of the 5 Needle Protocol (5NP) - a revolutionary treatment targeting five key points on the outer ear. Dive into the world of Five Needles for Ohio, a collective of professionals striving to bring change in legislation, making this impactful technique accessible to a broader spectrum of practitioners.

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What is the 5 Needle Protocol?

5NP - a therapeutic approach involving stimulation of the Sympathetic, Shen Men, Kidney, Liver, and Lung points on the outer ear. Originally designed to aid detox and withdrawal, the benefits of 5 needle exceed their original intention and have been used for diverse symptoms for improved well-being in a variety of settings.
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The Legislative Movement

Join the nationwide movement for change. Explore how 24 states, including Vermont and Colorado, are reshaping legislation to broaden the reach of 5NP. Learn how Five Needles for Ohio is at the forefront, comprising medical doctors, acupuncturists, and passionate individuals advocating for accessible treatment options.
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5 Needle Technique in Action

Trauma and Addiction: the link between trauma, addiction, and the healing potential of 5NP.

Disaster Relief: Witness the role of 5NP in disaster relief efforts and its positive impact on communities.

Other 5NP Benefits: Beyond detox, delve into the diverse benefits offered by 5NP.

Gain insights into certification training from leading organizations, POCA & NADA.


The National Acupuncture Detoxification Association (NADA) has access to additional research, resources and news concerning Auricular Detoxification Acupuncture (Acudetox)

People's Organization of Community Acupuncture (POCA) is a member-run nonprofit that works to increase accessibility to and availability of affordable group acupuncture treatments.

Status of Other States

Stay informed about the nationwide legislative trend opening access to the NADA Protocol.


Trace the roots and evolution of the 5 Needle Protocol.


Hear firsthand experiences of people transformed by 5NP. As well as advocacy from practitioners and organizations who have utilized 5NP effectivley.


When needles are not possible, beads and seeds can be an alternative to using the 5 auricular points safely.